Ichika Nito tones PART 2 for NDSP Cory Wong


Includes 4 preset files for Ichika Nito's guitar tones!

Presets for songs:
"When You Cant Speak and the Only Thing You Got is a Guitar"
"Short Song for Someone Who Passed Away"

Tone examples:
example 1- https://youtu.be/Vhx_NLh-op4
example 2- https://youtu.be/b0RhlS4RS9Y
example 3- https://youtu.be/gFgT5GcAzfA
example 4- https://youtu.be/sbeDpa1jP3E

Simply download the files, open them using the -load preset- icon located above the Presets menu in-between the magnifier and trash icon inside of the Cory Wong plugin, and enjoy!

*DISCLAIMER: This is not a physical product. Digital downloads will expire so please store them on your computer for future use.